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Autor/inn/enZhao, Li; Chen, Lulu; Sun, Wenjin; Compton, Brian J.; Lee, Kang; Heyman, Gail D.
TitelYoung Children Are More Likely to Cheat after Overhearing That a Classmate Is Smart
QuelleIn: Developmental Science, 23 (2020) 5, (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCheating; Moral Development; Socialization; Preschool Children; Comparative Analysis; Peer Relationship; Interpersonal Communication; Child Behavior; Role; Games; Cognitive Ability; Rewards; Child Development; Preschool Education
AbstractResearch on moral socialization has largely focused on the role of direct communication and has almost completely ignored a potentially rich source of social influence: evaluative comments that children overhear. We examined for the first time whether overheard comments can shape children's moral behavior. Three- and 5-year-old children (N = 200) participated in a guessing game in which they were instructed not to cheat by peeking. We randomly assigned children to a condition in which they overheard an experimenter tell another adult that a classmate who was no longer present is smart, or to a control condition in which the overheard conversation consisted of non-social information. We found that 5-year-olds, but not 3-year-olds, cheated significantly more often if they overheard the classmate praised for being smart. These findings show that the effects of ability praise can spread far beyond the intended recipient to influence the behavior of children who are mere observers, and they suggest that overheard evaluative comments can be an important force in shaping moral development. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenWiley. Available from: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030. Tel: 800-835-6770; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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