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Autor/inReed, Cynthia J.
TitelStudent Leadership and Restructuring: A Case Study.
Quelle(1998), (56 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Adolescents; Case Studies; Educational Change; High School Students; High Schools; School Restructuring; Student Attitudes; Student Leadership; Student Participation; Student School Relationship
AbstractThis study analyzes high school students' leadership roles and experiences during an urban school's restructuring. For the study, interviews, focus groups, documentation of meetings and activities, document analysis, and the involvement of students were considered. The report emphasizes the roles that students played within the school and why; who the students were who tended to get involved; how students were involved in the restructuring; and how students, teachers, and administrators viewed this involvement. Four conclusions are discussed: natural tensions that occurred based on differences inherent in students', teachers', and administrators' roles; the role of the building leader and how participation is defined and orchestrated by that person; the factors beyond the building-level leadership that also influenced student involvement, such as readiness of students, apathy, the need for coordination of efforts, teacher readiness, and clear understanding of boundaries; and the realization that simply involving all partners in decision-making does not guarantee that educational processes will improve. The paper addresses factors surrounding this type of restructuring, such as curriculum and philosophy, rationales for involving students, and what it might take for schools to become democratic communities. (Contains 63 references.) (RJM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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