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InstitutionNational Council of La Raza, Washington, DC.
TitelADP-MAS: A Math and Science Curriculum.
Quelle(1999), (659 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; After School Programs; Community Programs; Curriculum; Elementary Education; Elementary School Students; Enrichment Activities; Hispanic American Students; Mathematics; Mathematics Curriculum; Preschool Children; Preschool Education; Science Curriculum; Sciences
AbstractThis curriculum, Academia del Pueblo-Math and Science (ADP-MAS), is an outgrowth of the National Council of La Raza's Project EXCEL, a supplemental educational enrichment model for at-risk Latino students to be operated by Latino community-based organizations or public institutions, including schools with substantial Latino populations. ADP-MAS aims to increase and strengthen informal mathematics and science opportunities for Latino elementary school students by building on lessons learned through the Project EXCEL experience. This curriculum has a strong arts-infused, informal mathematics and science focus, and every unit contains Spanish translations of the unit and lesson overviews, key skills, and essential instructional vocabulary. Parent participation is a major component of the ADP-MAS approach. Because of the low proportion of professional Latino teachers, the curriculum is designed to be implemented by local community-based teachers or para-educators, and the model encourages the use of Latino high school and college students to serve as tutors and teaching assistants. The six curriculum units, each composed of multiple lessons (53 in the entire curriculum), are: (1) "Introduction to Academia"; (2) "The World of Animals"; (3) "Human Habitats"; (4) "The Brilliant Balancing Act"; (5) "Our Weeping World"; and (6) "Me and My World." Thirteen appendixes contain advice for unit teachers and lists of resources and references. (Contains 37 references.) (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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