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Autor/inHawi, Nazir S.
TitelA CAD (Classroom Assessment Design) of a Computer Programming Course
Quelle(2012), S.41-49 (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Electronic Learning; Course Content; Computer Science Education; Programming; Computer Software; Educational Technology; Introductory Courses; College Instruction; Evaluation Methods; Student Evaluation; Undergraduate Students; Educational Objectives; Educational Assessment; Evaluation Criteria; Tests; Assignments; Lebanon
AbstractThis paper presents a CAD (classroom assessment design) of an entry-level undergraduate computer programming course "Computer Programming I". CAD has been the product of a long experience in teaching computer programming courses including teaching "Computer Programming I" 22 times. Each semester, CAD is evaluated and modified for the subsequent semester. The assessment targets have been determined through the course's objectives and sub-objectives. Consequently, grades that resulted from CAD described how much of the course content students had acquired. Also, technology impacted CAD in several ways, such as using the development tool itself, and/or using an e-learning system. CAD in its current state includes three major categories: appreciation, assignments and exams. All exams have been developed within Bloom's six-level cognitive hierarchy. This paper includes examples of all assessment tools mentioned above. The main lesson learned is that the more effort is invested in improving CAD, the more useful it becomes. Selected response items are appended. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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