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Autor/inCook, Charles M.
InstitutionTexas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin.
TitelChanging State Policy in Texas for Remedial/Developmental Education.
Quelle(1998), (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBasic Skills; Community Colleges; Developmental Studies Programs; Educational Assessment; Educational Legislation; Educational Policy; High Risk Students; High School Students; Outcomes of Education; Policy Analysis; Program Evaluation; Remedial Instruction; Remedial Programs; School Policy; State Legislation; Testing Programs; Two Year College Students; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThe Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP), implemented in 1989, requires student assessment in reading, writing, and math prior to regular college course work. Students undergo continuous remediation until they are able to pass the assessment test. Though TASP advocates argue that the program helps maintain academic standards and provides students with needed remediation, results are unfavorable and critics charge that the program does not produce greater retention or graduation rates, limits minority access to education, and is too costly. A Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board evaluation of TASP revealed the following: (1) Texas institutions emphasized compliance with the law rather than the outcomes and quality of remedial programs; (2) there was a significant lack of early remediation efforts in high school and articulation between postsecondary and secondary education; and (3) developmental education had become a repository for many "problem" students. In 1997, Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 148, which encouraged rewarding students for high school achievement by providing them a means of TASP exemption; taking the TASP in high school; capping the amount of state reimbursement for developmental course hours; providing an earlier and improved means of student assessment; and offering an alternative means of exiting remediation. (YKH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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