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InstitutionMiami-Dade Community Coll., FL.
TitelImpact of State and Federal Regulation and Reporting Requirements on Miami-Dade Community College: Institutional Self Study.
Quelle(1977), (214 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Records; Case Studies; College Administration; College Planning; Community Colleges; Community Education; Compliance (Legal); Educational Finance; Educational Opportunities; Employment Practices; Federal Regulation; Government School Relationship; Higher Education; Institutional Autonomy; Institutional Research; Job Placement; Noncredit Courses; Personnel Policy; Recordkeeping; Self Evaluation (Groups); State Government; States Powers; Statewide Planning; Veterans; Vocational Followup
AbstractResults of a self-study conducted by Miami-Dade Community College, Florida, on the impact of state and federal regulation and reporting requirements are presented. The following areas have resulted in difficulties for the college in dealing with regulatory requirements: the Family Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment); administration of Veteran's program and benefits; Veteran's Administration requirements for students enrolled in the Life Lab Program; statewide course designation and numbering project; State of Florida retention schedule; the impact of placement and followup requirements; community instructional services program; occupational advisory councils; impact of state and federal regulations and reporting on the college personnel office; increase in state reporting relative to capital outlay projects, mail and activity inventory; and the impact of state and federal regulations on the content of the meetings of major college committees. Among the observations are the following: (1) funds are not being provided to offset the costs associated with new reporting and regulation requirements; (2) there has been an invasion of academic decision-making by the state and federal governments; (3) there is a decline in morale among faculty and staff of colleges and universities that may be related to regulations, expenditures, and declining attention of administrators to concerns for programs and students; and (4) changes and additions to reporting and regulation requirements interfere with planning efforts. Interview questions are appended. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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