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Autor/inGriffin, Dianne
InstitutionSouthern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, GA.
TitelWhy Is Technology Access for Students with Disabilities Important?
Quelle(2004), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterInstructional Materials; Educational Technology; Disabilities; Access to Education; Online Courses; Multimedia Instruction; Educational Opportunities; Assistive Technology
AbstractWhat barriers impede students with disabilities when they use technology? Even when they use assistive technology, such as screen readers, students with vision, hearing and mobility impairments often have difficulty accessing instructional materials used in online courses, Web resources, simulations and online interactions with instructors. For students with impaired vision, screen readers may not be able to read the images or table data on a Web page. Students with impaired hearing cannot learn from uncaptioned audio or multimedia presentations. Colorblind students cannot distinguish between some text colors used for correct answers or for emphasis. Reply boxes (because of size, shape and location)and timed responses are difficult for students with mobility disabilities to use successfully. These barriers limit the educational opportunities for students with disabilities, interfere with their overall learning and prevent them from meeting academic standards. [This publication was funded by the Southeast Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenSouthern Regional Education Board, 592 10th St. N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318-5776. Tel: 404-875-9211.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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