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Sonst. PersonenMerrill, Barbara (Hrsg.)
InstitutionStanding Conference on Univ. Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults.
TitelThe Final Frontier: Exploring Spaces in the Education of Adults. SCUTREA Annual Conference (29th, Warwick, England, July 5-7, 1999).
Quelle(1999), (328 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Adult Education; Adult Educators; Adult Learning; Adult Students; Art Education; Career Guidance; Community Education; Continuing Education; Corporations; Curriculum Development; Distance Education; Education Work Relationship; Educational Needs; Educational Objectives; Educational Policy; Educational Research; Educational Technology; Employment Qualifications; Experiential Learning; Feminism; Foreign Countries; Global Approach; Higher Education; Independent Study; Information Technology; Job Skills; Job Training; Language of Instruction; Lifelong Learning; Literacy Education; Models; Nontraditional Students; Partnerships in Education; Refugees; Regional Planning; Rural Education; Science Instruction; Self Concept; Sex Differences; Social Change; Student Characteristics; Teacher Role; Teacher Student Relationship; Theory Practice Relationship; Womens Education; Work Experience Programs; Australia; Belgium; Canada; South Africa; United Kingdom; United States

Adult; Adults; Education; Adult basic education; Adult training; Erwachsenenbildung; Adult education teacher; Adult education; Teacher; Teachers; Adult educator; Erwachsenenbildner; Lehrer; Lehrerin; Lehrende; Adulte education; Student; Students; Erwachsenenalter; Studentin; Schüler; Schülerin; Arts; Art in Education; Kunst; Bildung; Erziehung; Berufsorientierung; ; Gemeinschaftserziehung; Nachbarschaftserziehung; Weiterbildung; Unternehmen; Curriculum; Development; Curriculumentwicklung; Lehrplan; Entwicklung; Distance study; Distance learning; Fernunterricht; Educational need; Bildungsbedarf; Educational objective; Bildungsziel; Erziehungsziel; Politics of education; Bildungspolitik; Bildungsforschung; Pädagogische Forschung; Unterrichtsmedien; Employment qualification; Vocational qualification; Vocational qualifications; Berufliche Qualifikation; Experiental learning; Erfahrungsorientiertes Lernen; Feminismus; Ausland; Globales Denken; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulsystem; Hochschulwesen; Selbststudium; Informationstechnologie; Produktive Fertigkeit; Berufsqualifizierender Bildungsgang; Teaching language; Unterrichtssprache; Life-long learning; Lebenslanges Lernen; Analogiemodell; Hochschulpartnerschaft; Flüchtling; Regionalplanung; Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung; Teaching of science; Science education; Natural sciences Lessons; Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht; Selbstkonzept; Sex difference; Geschlechtsunterschied; Sozialer Wandel; Lehrerrolle; Teacher student relationships; Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung; Theorie-Praxis-Beziehung; 'Women''s education'; Frauenbildung; Australien; Belgien; Kanada; Südafrika; Süd-Afrika; Republik Südafrika; Südafrikanische Republik; Großbritannien; USA
AbstractThis document contains 51 papers from a conference devoted to the theme of exploring spaces in adult education. The following are among the papers included: "Exploring Everyday Spaces: Women's Transitions from Welfare to Paid Work and Education" (Cynthia Lee Andruske); "Lost in Space? Re-valuing the Impact of Education Research" (Paul Armstrong); "Reclaiming and Problematising Self-Directed Learning as a Space for Critical Adult Education" (Stephen Brookfield); "Imposing Spaces in the Curriculum of Adult Learners: Models of the Same Players in Different Situations" (Darol M. Cavanagh); "Identity, Location and the Making of Adult Educators" (Clive Chappell); "Universities and Regional Partnerships for Learning: Reinterpreting the 'Local' in the Education of Adults" (Janet Coles and David Smith); "Space, Place and Subversion in University Adult Education and Continuing Education" (Ian Davidson); "Maintaining Spaces for Adult Learners in Science" (Jane de Rennes); "Back to the Land? Service and Self-Interest in Adult Education in Rural England 1920-1945" (Bernard Deacon and Lynne Thompson); "Adult Education and Social Movements: The Significance and Workings of Social Movements as a Part of the Civil Society, an Approach from the Angle of Adult and Continuing Education" (Luc Dekeyser); "Skills and Employability in the Spotlight: Exploring Official Discourses of Training" (John Field); "English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Swetswana: Contested Language Space in a South African Adult Education Programme" (Jonathan Geidt); "Dis-stanced Learning: Adult Learners, Heidegger and Spatiality (Peter Gray); "Shaping Learning through Space: The Case of Outdoor Management Training" (Roger Hall and Caroline Rowland); "Doing the Right Thing: Positioning the Adult Learner through Discourses of Guidance and Counselling" (Roger Harrison); "Different Theatres, Different Audiences: The Arts and the Education of Adults" (David J. Jones); "Casual Literacy and Campaign Zeal: Environment and Conflict" (Jane Mace); "Sustaining Critical Communities: Stretching the Academy" (Ian Martin and Mae Shaw); "Orientation in Time: Leisure, Learning and the Life Course" (Jane McKie); "Troubling Spaces in the Analysis of Adult Education Policy" (Katherine Nicoll); "Accommodation for Adult Education" (Gerald Normie); "Going Back to Our Roots: The Role of Transformatory Education in the Battle against Social Exclusion" (Martin Notley and Helen M F Jones); and "Men on the Margins: Towards an Account of Men's Experience of Adult Education" (Rebecca O'Rourke). (Each paper contains references.) (MN)
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