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Autor/inn/enAubrey, Robert; Cohen, Paul M.
TitelWorking Wisdom: Timeless Skills and Vanguard Strategies for Learning Organizations.
Quelle(1995), (192 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Adult Learning; Adults; Andragogy; Business Administration; Career Development; Educational Needs; Employer Employee Relationship; Futures (of Society); Job Skills; Lifelong Learning; Organizational Development; Professional Development
AbstractThis book discusses wisdom as an organizational strategy for developing human potential in learning organizations. It explores learning at four levels: (1) where the learning revolution is going; (2) why wisdom is a paradigm for the new economy; (3) what organizations are doing to enhance learning; and (4) how to assess one's own learning strategies as well as one's ability to help others learn. The first three chapters, comprising part one, examine three revolutionary developments that are changing the nature of work: the need to maintain employability in a rapidly changing workplace; the renewal of wisdom in the shift from the Industrial Age to postindustrial economies; and the convergence of professional and personal development as a career strategy. Part two discusses five tactics to be used in relationships to produce effective learning. Each tactic--accompanying, sowing, catalyzing, showing, and harvesting--is described in the context of practices and philosophies that have best defined wisdom in the past. Also offered are contemporary illustrations of organizations that have capitalized on these tactics and the reflections of managers who use them. Part three identifies six strategic imperatives for implementing a learning strategy that harnesses the power of wisdom: leadership, middle management, learning networks, technology, public policy, and learning alliances. Each chapter spells out the tasks and defines the roles of key actors in strategic implementation as well as providing examples in leading-edge organization. The book concludes with a summary of working wisdom and an appendix provides a brief history of working wisdom. The book contains 19 references. (KC)
AnmerkungenJossey-Bass Publishers, Inc., 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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