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Autor/inSinger, Elizabeth
InstitutionBrevard Community Coll., Cocoa, FL.
TitelCompetency-Based Adult Education Classroom Management Guide for Adult Basic Education Curriculum (Level II, 5-8).
Quelle(1986), (75 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adult Basic Education; Attendance Records; Classroom Techniques; Community Colleges; Community Education; Competency Based Education; Individual Instruction; Program Guides; Recordkeeping; Teacher Education; Teaching Methods; Testing; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThis Competency-Based Adult Basic Education (CBABE) Classroom Management Guide was developed to aid the Adult Basic Education (ABE) facilitator in implementing a model CBABE Level 5-8 curriculum. First, introductory material provides background on the CBABE project at Brevard Community College (Florida) and the rationale for the development of the training guide. Next, the guide explains the characteristics of CBABE and reasons for its use, presenting it as an efficient and effective response to the need for individualized instruction of adult learners, and a solution to the problems created by open entry/open exit programs. The next section explains how the CBABE materials prepared for the Florida Adult Basic Education Program are organized, including an overview of the learning guide format. Next, information on using the materials is provided, including a discussion of ways of adapting the materials to individual needs, management guidelines, a review of local options, and an outline of the recommended process for implementing the curriculum. The final section examines issues related to facilitator-student interactions. Appendices provide a sample CBABE Student Learning Guide, a Competency Mastery Chart, and CBABE Testing forms, student information sheets, a sample learning contract, and a Level 5-8 Student Progression Plan. A resource guide for CBABE Subject Areas is also included. (UCM)
AnmerkungenDean, Adult/Community Education, Brevard Community College, Open Campus, 1519 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, FL 32922 ($3.00).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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