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Autor/inn/enHarrington, Katherine; Cummins, Phyllis A.; Yamashita, Takashi
TitelFunding Individual Learning Accounts in the Latter Half of Life: A Comparison of Initiatives in Four Countries
[Konferenzbericht] Paper presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) Annual Pre-Conference (67th, Myrtle Beach, SC, Sep 30-Oct 2, 2018).
Quelle(2018), (10 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLifelong Learning; Older Adults; Educational Finance; Comparative Education; Program Implementation; Foreign Countries; Continuing Education; Government Role; Private Sector; Access to Education; Employers; Adult Students; Sweden; Canada; United Kingdom; United States
AbstractFor several decades, lifelong learning has been discussed both in terms of its ability to provide both individual and national economic benefits. However, while the importance of lifelong learning, particularly in lieu of occupational changes, has been emphasized, the creation or adaptation of funding methods for lifelong learning specifically in the latter half of life has stalled. However, model funding programs that support learning in midlife and beyond do exist internationally, comprising resources like loans, scholarships, and workplace funding. One funding model that came to prominence over the last two decades is the Individual Learning Account (ILA), which has been implemented in multiple countries, albeit with limited success. Although ILAs have ultimately not been well-integrated into extant educational funding systems for lifelong learning, such as self- or employer-funded learning or student loans, the ILA model and its associated challenges suggest key lessons for informing more effective lifelong learning funding, particularly into older adulthood. This paper will discuss gaps in the following four countries' attempts to implement ILAs and integrate common adult education funding methods: Sweden, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. [For the full proceedings, see ED597456.] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenCommission for International Adult Education. Available from: American Association for Adult and Continuing Education. 10111 Martin Luther King Junior Highway Suite 200C, Bowie, MD 20720. Tel: 301-459-6261; Fax: 301-459-6241; e-mail:; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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