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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionAmerican Library Association, Chicago, IL. Library Instruction Round Table.
TitelInformation for a New Age: Redefining the Librarian.
Quelle(1995), (192 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Annotated Bibliographies; Critical Thinking; Elementary Secondary Education; Information Literacy; Information Networks; Information Seeking; Information Technology; Library Instruction; Library Skills; Media Specialists; Public Libraries; School Libraries; Special Libraries; Users (Information)
AbstractBibliographic Instruction (BI), which focuses on the need to make library patrons become more proficient in locating and using information, is a major contributor to information literacy. The 14 papers and essays in this volume describe approaches to proactive interaction with library users with the single goal of achieving an information literate society. The titles include: "Information for a New Age: Fantastic Technology or Institutionalized Alienation?" (Robert Silverberg); "Librarians or Technicians? Which Shall We Be?" (Deanna B. Marcum); "The Death of the Librarian in the (Post) Modern Electronic Information Age" (Robert K. Kieft); "Bibliographic Instruction, Briefly" (Evan Ira Farber); "Information Literacy and Public Libraries: A Community-Based Approach" (Susan Jackson); "The Instructional Role of the Library Media Specialist in the Information-Age School" (Carol C. Kuhlthau); "Education for the Academic Library User in the Year 2000" (Virginia Tiefel); "Library Instruction for Special Libraries: Present and Future" (Mignon Strickland Adams); "Information Literacy" (American Library Association); "Avoiding the Cereal Syndrome; or, Critical Thinking in the Electronic Environment" (Cerise Oberman); "Building Coalitions for Information Literacy" (Abigail Loomis); "Conversation 101: Process, Development, and Collaboration" (Janice A. Sauer); "Expanding the Evaluation Role in the Critical-Thinking Curriculum" (Daniel Callison); and "BI and the Twenty-First Century: An Opinion" (Leigh A. Kilman). A 31-item annotated bibliography is organized around the following themes: technology, libraries, and the future; technology and information literacy; technology and remote users; and the human-machine interface (social and psychological factors). A list of Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) 15th Anniversary Task Force members and an index are also provided. (MAS)
AnmerkungenLibraries Unlimited, Inc., P.O. Box 6633, Englewood, CO 80155-6633 ($26.50).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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