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Sonst. PersonenSheridan, Jean (Hrsg.)
TitelWriting-Across-the-Curriculum and the Academic Library: A Guide for Librarians, Instructors, and Writing Program Directors.
Quelle(1995), (240 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Academic Libraries; Assignments; Case Studies; Educational Change; Higher Education; Interdisciplinary Approach; Librarian Teacher Cooperation; Library Instruction; Skill Development; Teaching Methods; Writing Across the Curriculum; Writing Instruction
AbstractWriting-Across-the-Curriculum (WAC), a pedagogic reform that has been gathering strength since the 1970s, is an effort to shift the full burden of writing instruction away from composition classes and return the charge to the disciplines or content areas. This professional reference book is intended to educate librarians about WAC. Nine chapters are divided into four parts. Part 1 describes some aspects, historical as well as pedagogical, of discourse theory and of the place of writing and writing-across-the-curriculum in it. Part 2 discusses research skills programs to complement WAC programs, recommendations for library-based assignments that work with process writing, and a writing course that is based on the use of primary sources and other scholarly materials that could be taught by an individual librarian or in collaboration with an instructor. Part 3 examines the interdependencies and collaborations WAC makes possible. Part 4 is a collection of case-studies describing successful alliances among librarians, writing program directors, and instructors in writing-intensive/library-intensive courses. Appendices include instructions for article analysis; types of library resources; discourse forms for content writing; and guidelines for peer evaluation of drafts, effective group behavior, journal keeping, and writing groups. (Author/AEF)
AnmerkungenGreenwood Press, 88 Post Rd. West, Westport, CT 06881 ($69.50).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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