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Autor/inn/enWinter, Gene M.; und weitere
InstitutionState Univ. of New York, Albany. Two Year Coll. Development Center.
TitelRecommendations and Strategies for Addressing Comprehensive Health Issues on Two-Year College Campuses.
Quelle(1991), (27 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; College Planning; Communicable Diseases; Community Colleges; Disease Control; Health Education; Health Promotion; Needs Assessment; Public Health; Student Behavior; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThe Two-Year College Development Center invited representatives from two-year colleges throughout New York to attend a two-day meeting to address comprehensive health issues, particularly pertaining to the transmission and prevention of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), as well as other infectious and chronic diseases. The attending group of 37 administrators, faculty, and health professionals from 25 two-year colleges reached consensus on a list of critical health care issues facing two-year colleges, and small and large group discussions produced recommendations and strategies to deal with each issue. The following represents a selection of the issues and recommendations: (1) to deal with students' lack of information on basic health issues, it was recommended that the State Education Department strongly encourage prevention education on sexually transmitted and other communicable diseases and that a course be developed to cover specific health issues; (2) to address the need for two-year colleges to expand their mission to reflect community needs, it was recommended that two-year colleges become an educational resource for prevention and wellness behavior; and (3) to provide for the development of a comprehensive policy on communicable diseases, it was recommended that a statewide committee be convened to formulate a universal policy. The nine remaining issues relate to the need for increased awareness of multicultural aspects of community health; for a college environment that promotes wellness; for a proactive approach to combating substance abuse and violence on campus; to assist faculty, staff, and students in detecting substance abuse and making necessary referrals; to address the lack of administrator, faculty, and staff knowledge of procedures for dealing with blood and body fluids and with infectious persons; for adequate funding for allied health educational programs; to protect the rights of those inflected with the AIDS virus; to improve student success and retention rates in allied health programs; and for trained health care professionals. (PAA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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