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Autor/inJaramillo, James A.
TitelA Multi-Methodological Evaluation of Hispanic Student Recruitment and Retention Effectiveness at the University of Colorado, Boulder. A Qualitative Study of Recruitment and Retention by Agency.
Quelle(1992), (152 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrators; Agency Cooperation; College Students; Diversity (Institutional); Educational Finance; Graduate Students; Higher Education; Hispanic American Students; Hispanic Americans; Minority Groups; Program Effectiveness; Role Models; School Holding Power; Student Financial Aid; Student Recruitment
AbstractIn order to propose solutions to expressed Hispanic minority student recruitment problems, this study assessed the strengths and weaknesses of several University of Colorado at Boulder Hispanic student recruitment agencies. Data collection involved interviews with nine minority recruiting agency representatives, two retention agency representatives, and a sample of the Hispanic student population. The students included 45 undergraduates and 12 graduate students. The study also sought the recruitment and retention rates for each agency. Among the study findings were that many recruiting agencies do not keep recruitment and retention statistics from year to year, that several recruiting agencies face budget deficiencies and insufficient intra-agency communication, and that a labor shortage affects the Admissions Office's ability to recruit minority students with minority recruiters. Retention agencies also reported shortages in funding, labor, and student financial aid. Other cofactors of Hispanic student attrition included lack of minority faculty and staff as role models, low Hispanic student presence, insufficient student financial aid, student personnel problems, and systemic racism. Extensive appendixes contain study data, questionnaires, data on the institution, organizational charts, and a map of the university. (Contains 25 references.) (JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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