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Sonst. PersonenMarkwood, Richard A. (Hrsg.); Johnstone, Sally M. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAnnenberg/CPB Project, Washington, DC.; Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Boulder, CO. Western Cooperative for Educational Communications.
TitelNew Pathways to a Degree. Project Evaluation: First Year Report.
Quelle(1992), (162 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Access to Education; Adult Education; Community Colleges; Computer Networks; Degrees (Academic); Distance Education; Educational Technology; Higher Education; Minority Groups; Nondiscriminatory Education; Nontraditional Education; Program Development; Program Evaluation; Technological Advancement; Telecommunications
AbstractThe first year's observations of projects funded by the Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting in its New Pathways to a Degree project are summarized. The project was designed to help colleges use technologies to develop academic degree programs that are accessible to the new majority of learners, those who have jobs, home responsibilities, schedules, and locations that make full-time study on a campus difficult. The following chapters review seven projects that are using combinations of technologies to effectively engage students in varieties of learning activities appropriate to the particular technology: (1) "Baccalaureate Degrees and Student Services Using the New Technologies To Expand Access: Oregon State System of Higher Education" (John Witherspoon); (2)"Electronic Access to Weekend College: College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota" (Patricia Kovel-Jarboe); (3) "Community College of Maine: The University of Maine at Augusta" (Ellen D. Wagner); (4) "Community Learning Network: Indiana University-Purdue University, at Indianapolis" (Richard Markwood); (5) "Access, Involvement and Success in Distance Learning: The Extended Learning Institute, Northern Virginia Community College" (Barbara Beno); (6) "Project Breakthrough: West Virginia Higher Education System" (Ralph Meuter); and (7) "Enhanced Access to Learning through Technology: Rochester Institute of Technology" (Art St. George). An introduction and summary of first-year conclusions are included; a chart summarizes project characteristics; and appendixes present survey protocols and the environmental scan instrument. (SLD)
AnmerkungenWICHE Publications, P.O. Drawer P, Boulder, CO 80304-9752 (Publication No. 2A226: $30; quantity price $15).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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