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Autor/inn/enLynch, Robert C.; Sedlacek, William E.
InstitutionMaryland Univ., College Park. Counseling Center.
TitelAn Analysis of Educational-Vocational Decision Making Among University Students. Research Report #5-70.
Quelle(1970), (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Choice; College Students; Decision Making; Higher Education; Institutional Research; Majors (Students); Questionnaires; Research Projects; School Surveys; State Universities; Statistical Data; Undergraduate Students; Vocational Interests
AbstractFour items on educational and vocational decisions were analyzed from the l969 University Student Census of the University of Maryland. A random samole of l00 students from each class was studied and comparisons were made by class and sex. Results indicate that: (1) more freshmen and sophomores were undecided and uncertain about their vocational goal and major field of study than juniors and seniors; (2) a substantial number of upperclassmen were as yet undecided and uncertain of their vocational goal; (3) males and females did not seem to differ in their indecision about a major field of study or vocational goal; (4) the time of selection of vocational goal and major field of study did not appear to be related; (5) students undecided about either major field or vocational goal tended to be undecided about the other; and (6) students undecided on their major field of study were less favorable to the idea of a special college for new students undecided as to their major, students who had decided on a major field of study viewed the idea more favorably. It is suggested that the undecided students may not want to be labeled or singled out, because it may connote that they were different and/or inferior. CAuthor/SW)
AnmerkungenCounseling Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 ($1.50)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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