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Autor/inTown, J. Stephen
TitelBenchmarking and Performance Measurement.
Quelle(1995), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Benchmarking; Cost Effectiveness; Feedback; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Innovation; Library Administration; Library Collections; Library Cooperation; Library Services; Library Surveys; Measurement Techniques; Military Schools; Organizational Effectiveness; Partnerships in Education; Staff Development; Total Quality Management; User Satisfaction (Information); United Kingdom (England)
AbstractThis paper defines benchmarking and its relationship to quality management, describes a project which applied the technique in a library context, and explores the relationship between performance measurement and benchmarking. Numerous benchmarking methods contain similar elements: deciding what to benchmark; identifying partners; gathering information; analyzing what has been collected; and implementing improvements. The Library of the Royal Military College of Science (RMCS) at Cranfield University (Shrivenham, Swindon, England) initiated a Total Quality Management (TQM) program to help attain high quality service for customers, control costs, and use optimum pricing to satisfy the interests of sponsors. The study surveyed and conducted site visits to other university libraries which acted as benchmarking partners. The benchmarking exercise measured the following areas: availability of up-to-date stock; unit costs; staff development, ability, and approachability; user experience, education, and feedback; innovation; and learning environment. Knowledge gained from the project and pitfalls that can adversely affect the success of benchmarking activities are discussed. As a result of the benchmarking exercise, the RMCS Library initiated a number of specific service improvements, and gained confidence, reassurance, tangible evidence about the relative quality of its service, and a strong sense of the common issues and concerns within the "industry" of information provision. (Contains 18 references.) (SWC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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