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Autor/inTelerski, R. Michele
TitelBibliographic Control of Preservation Photocopies.
Quelle(1995), (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Academic Libraries; Bibliographic Records; Case Studies; Cataloging; Internet; Library Catalogs; Library Surveys; Online Catalogs; Preservation; Records Management; Reprography
AbstractThis study examines how American Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member libraries catalog full-volume, monographic, non-cartographic, preservation photocopies and explores the use of full, minimal, or dependent bibliographic records. It analyzes On-line Public Access Catalog (OPAC) records structure for multiple versions materials in terms of composite, hierarchical, or separate records. Through use of survey and on-line records analysis, the study also examines whether a relationship exists between the OPAC records structure at an institution and the accuracy of its holdings information on OCLC. An exploratory survey was sent to preservation officers at 66 American academic ARL member libraries (28 were returned) who made preservation photocopies during the fiscal year 1991-92; the officers were asked to provide basic bibliographic information about five titles of non-cartographic monographs for which entire volume preservation photocopies had been made within the past 2 years. Searches conducted on the Internet and OCLC and records for each institution were analyzed. Results indicated that the most common means of recording preservation photocopy information is the 533 field; institutions are also using the local note, 59X field and adding the same information found in 533 to provide the photocopy information. Among institutions recataloging their photocopied works using the 533 field, less than half are updating their holdings symbol on OCLC. The majority of institutions OPACs could be categorized as utilizing separate bibliographic records structure. All of the institutions using the holdings record for preservation information had a hierarchical structure. Composite records typically did not contain preservation information. Overall, the study indicates that there is still little consistency in the way preservation photocopies are being cataloged. Five tables provide information. (Contains 26 references.) (Author/AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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