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InstitutionDepartment of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)
TitelCommunity Strategic Plan Closeout, School Years 2013/14 - 2017/18
Quelle(2018), (60 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Planning; Strategic Planning; Educational Quality; Elementary Secondary Education; Curriculum Implementation; Educational Strategies; Military Service; Public Schools; Student Educational Objectives; Educational Improvement; Achievement; Teacher Competencies; Family School Relationship; Academic Standards; Educational Assessment
AbstractAmong the various agencies and activities within the Department of Defense, Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) has the unique charge of providing an education for military connected students that is commensurate with U.S. public school systems. It is essential that DoDEA honors that position of trust by providing updates to all of its stakeholders on progress towards accomplishing its Mission to educate, engage, and empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world. The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) for School Years 2013/14-2017/18 comes to a close this year. It will be replaced by the new Blueprint for Continuous Improvement early this spring. The sunset of the Community Strategic Plan for SY 2013/14 - SY 2017/18 presents an important opportunity to update DoDEA's stakeholders on the progress that has been made towards fulfilling the commitments made in the plan. This document describes the DoDEA's progress over the past five years. [For "Community Strategic Plan, School Years 2013/14 - 2017/18. Volume I," see ED605261. For "Community Strategic Plan, School Years 2013/14 - 2017/18. Volume II," see ED605265.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenDepartment of Defense Education Activity. 4040 North Fairfax Drive Webb Building, Arlington, VA 22203. Tel: 703-588-3104; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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