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Autor/inBerns, Margie
TitelThe Role of English in Europe: EIL or EFL?
Quelle(1992), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducation; English; English (Second Language); Foreign Countries; International Cooperation; Language Planning; Language Role; Public Policy; Second Language Instruction
AbstractThe European Community (EC) openly supports use and maintenance of the major languages of its countries. One idea behind this support is not to privilege any language of the community, but to encourage the unique features of each member state. This policy carries over into support for diversified language instruction; rather than promote one or two languages, all official languages, plus Irish and Lutzburgesch, are to be taught. The goals are both proficiency and communicative competence. However, this policy has been difficult to implement because English dominates among EC officials as well as in many other domains. In education, English is one of the two languages chosen or required in most member countries. Increasing interdependence among members makes the role of this language an important issue. English is used for communication both within and outside Europe, and some aspects of EC policy encourage English usage. Language policy and practice, then, appear to be in conflict, and policy should be changed to reflect the reality of widespread English use. A brief bibliography is included. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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