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Autor/inBoyd, Sandra
TitelTransparency on College and Career Readiness: How Does Your State Measure Up?
QuelleIn: State Education Standard, 17 (2017) 3, S.24-29 (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCareer Readiness; College Readiness; Elementary Secondary Education; Academic Achievement; Progress Monitoring; Data Collection; Public Education; Educational Assessment; High School Students; Time to Degree; State Standards; College Credits; Advanced Placement Programs; Enrollment Trends; Remedial Instruction; Academic Persistence; New Jersey; California; Delaware; Michigan; New York; Ohio; Indiana; Colorado
AbstractOver the past two decades, college and career readiness became a priority in K-12 education. While graduation rates have been rising, far too many high school graduates are not ready to succeed in college or a job. Employers note that freshly-minted employees too often need additional training to perform their roles, many are ineligible for military service because they fail to get adequate scores on the entrance exam, and first-year college students across the country must pay to take no-credit remedial classes on content they should have learned in high school.1 The U.S. economy depends on these graduates, so it is urgent that state boards of education figure out why so many students remain unprepared. Many states are ill equipped to do so. There is an astonishing lack of publicly reported data on student performance in grades K-12, and the information that is reported varies widely across states. The fact is that state policymakers cannot make good education policy and practice decisions--and ultimately cannot improve student performance--without basic information about how students are performing along the way. To fix this problem, state boards and state education agencies (SEAs) must know their starting point and be able to measure progress and change over time. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Association of State Boards of Education. 2121 Crystal Drive Suite 350, Arlington, VA 22202. Tel: 800-368-5023; Tel: 703-684-4000; Fax: 703-836-2313; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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