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Autor/inn/enSlater, Timothy F.; und weitere
TitelA Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of the Impact of Portfolio Assessment Procedures versus Traditional Assessment in a College Physics Course.
Quelle(1995), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Alternative Assessment; College Students; Comparative Analysis; Educational Assessment; Higher Education; Objective Tests; Physics; Portfolios (Background Materials); Pretests Posttests; Qualitative Research; Student Attitudes; Test Use
AbstractPopular belief in alternative assessment procedures suggests that the use of student portfolios can help learners successfully organize and integrate newly acquired scientific knowledge. This two-group comparison study documents the use of student created portfolios in an algebra-based, college-level, introductory physics course. Sixteen students were assessed primarily using a portfolio-style assessment procedure. Nineteen students were assessed primarily using traditional, objective examinations. Both groups were given the same cumulative, multiple-choice final examination. All students completed a pre/post self-report survey of achievement in physics. There were no significant differences in learner achievement between the two groups on the final examination or on the self-report of achievement given before and after instruction. Analysis of two focus group discussions did, however, suggest that the students assessed by portfolios feel less anxious about learning physics, devote considerable time to reading and studying outside of class, internalize and personalize the content material, and enjoy the learning experience. The results of this study suggest that portfolio-style assessment procedures support student achievement at least at the same level as traditional assessment procedures and appear to have additional benefits. (Contains 2 figures, 3 tables, and 20 references.) (Author)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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