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Autor/inn/enMeehan, Kasey; Hagood, Shanell; Callahan, M. Kate; Kent, Daniel C.
InstitutionResearch for Action
TitelThe Case of Tennessee Promise: A Uniquely Comprehensive Promise Program. Affordability, Access, and Student Success in Statewide College Promise Programs
Quelle(2019), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterState Programs; Access to Education; Higher Education; Program Effectiveness; Paying for College; Success; Student Financial Aid; Academic Persistence; Academic Support Services; Student Personnel Services; Eligibility; Grants; Scholarships; Information Dissemination; Academic Degrees; Mentors; Coaching (Performance); At Risk Students; High School Students; High Schools; Grade Point Average; Graduation Rate; Student Characteristics; Tennessee
AbstractResearch for Action has studied statewide Promise programs since 2017, with in-depth analysis in four states--Delaware, Nevada, Oregon, and Tennessee. Our research in these states includes an extensive review of legislative and policy documents; 146 interviews with policymakers, institutional leaders, and high school staff; site visits to 8 postsecondary institutions; site visits to 12 high schools; 12 high school student focus groups; and 16 college student focus groups. We also conducted quantitative analysis on student-level data from three of the four states involved in the study. This work is part of a larger study led by Research for Action (RFA) that also includes a policy scan of 21 current statewide programs and case studies by Penn AHEAD of local Promise programs in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wisconsin. We summarize additional results of our analysis of state-level Promise programs at In this case study we outline the program design, successes, and challenges of Tennessee Promise as it balances higher education affordability, access, and success. [For the main report, "Statewide College Promise Programs: Balancing Affordability, Access, and Student Success," see ED603766.] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenResearch for Action. 3701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Tel: 215-823-2500; Fax: 215-823-2510; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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