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Autor/inAgbemabiese, Padmore E.
TitelAre the Schools We HAVE the Schools We NEED in Ghana? A Contribution to the Ongoing Debate on Ghana's Education Reform
Quelle(2010), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Change; Foreign Countries; Financial Support; Educational Finance; Politics of Education; Change Strategies; Educational Development; Educational Assessment; Access to Education; Foreign Policy; Educational Philosophy; Educational Planning; Barriers; Performance Factors; Ghana
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to contribute to the ongoing discussion on Ghana's education reform initiatives in the light of contemporary socioeconomic constraints, and linguistic and diversity issues. The Ghanaian education system today faces inadequate financial resources (for education programs) combined with the continuous unprecedented demand for access, the legacy of colonialism, longstanding economic and social crises as challenges that present a particularly difficult reality for education in Ghana. The goal therefore is to identify areas of concern and the need to address factors that have influenced education reforms in Ghana. By the early 1970s, Ghanaian educators and stakeholders in Ghana's education system observed and expressed concerns that Ghana's education system needed major reforms. According to critics of the education system, Ghana's education system was not meeting the needs of the changing dynamics of Ghanaian society (McWilliam and Kwamena-Poh, 1975; EAC, 1972; Nimako, 1976; Antwi, 1992). How does Ghana address these concerns as it embarks on another education reform in 2010? [This document was published in: "The Ghanaian Times" "Features" Column (January 4, 2010).] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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