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Autor/inPalmiero, Phyllis
InstitutionAmerican Council of Trustees and Alumni
TitelGovernance in the Public Interest: A Case Study of the University of North Carolina System
Quelle(2005), (80 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterState Universities; Governance; College Administration; Governing Boards; Administrative Organization; Trustees; Committees; Administrator Effectiveness; Educational Quality; Budgeting; Costs; Strategic Planning; Achievement; Comparative Analysis; Case Studies; North Carolina
AbstractAt a time of widespread concerns about quality, cost and accountability in higher education, the importance of the lay governing board has never been greater. Lay governance is the means by which the perspective of informed citizens is brought to the heart of the university. And, in the best of all worlds, it provides a vehicle for thoughtful long-range planning in the best interests of the taxpayer and the state. In this paper, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni takes a comprehensive look at the effectiveness of the University of North Carolina's higher education system. The study finds that: (1) The Board meets often and meeting attendance is high; (2) The Board utilizes a committee structure in which most issues are vetted before going to the full Board; (3) The Board has held workshops on various topics that appear to provide a good vehicle for open debate and deliberation; (4) The Board biennially reviews and eliminates unproductive programs; (5) The Board has been successful in meeting its highest priority strategic goal of increasing access; and (6) The Board provides several training opportunities to boards of trustees. The study nevertheless concludes that current structural factors result in a troubling diffusion of responsibility and a lack of statewide leadership. To ensure leadership and accountability in the public interest, this report makes the following recommendations: (1) The Board and all trustees should be appointed by the governor; (2) Retain the consolidated Board of Governors; (3) Delegate greater operating oversight and responsibility to the individual campus boards of trustees; (4) The Board of Governors should be more proactive; and (5) The Board should be reduced from 32 members to no more than 15. Appended are: (1) Action Items Typically Found on the Board of Governors' Consent Agenda; (2) Major Actions of the Educational Planning, Policies and Programs Committee; (3) Fiscal Accountability Goals and Assessment Measures; and (4) Resolution in Support of No Increase in UNC Tuition for the 2003-04 Academic Year. A bibliography is included. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAmerican Council of Trustees and Alumni. 1726 M Street NW Suite 802, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: 888-258-6648; Tel: 202-467-6787; Fax: 202-467-6784; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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