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Autor/inn/enOjo, Olugbenga David; Olakulehin, Felix Kayode
TitelThe Place of Multiple Intelligence in Achieving the Objectives and Goals of Open and Distance Learning Institutions: A Critical Analysis
Quelle(2006), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDistance Education; Multiple Intelligences; Open Education; Teamwork; Educational Objectives; Goal Orientation; Educational Administration; Higher Education; Interdisciplinary Approach; Foreign Countries; Cooperative Planning; Nigeria
AbstractThis paper examined the nature of open and distance learning institutions as organizations where synergy of efforts of all personnel is required in order to achieve the aims and objectives of the institution. It explored the huge infrastructural and personnel requirements of distance learning institutions, especially at inception, and the wherewithal needed for the institutions to survive the challenges of the contemporary knowledge milieu and stand the test of time while ensuring the quality and standard of all the certificates that will be awarded over time. The paper seeks to evaluate the role of multiple-intelligence in the administration of open and distance learning institutions, given that multiple-intelligence allows for improvement in achievement, performance and skills (Sternberg, Turff & Grigenko, 1998). The paper concluded that the importance of multiple intelligence in the actualization of the broad goals and the specific objectives of distance learning institutions cannot be overemphasized in the various aspects of the institutional framework of distance learning. It was also submitted that the discipline of distance education as it has often been construed is an eclectic one requiring an agglomeration of intellectual skills and abilities--multiple intelligence. (Author).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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