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Autor/inn/enFitch, Gregory G.; Martin, Joe; Medley, Susanne C.; Stein, Robert; Wittstruck, John
InstitutionMissouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE)
TitelMissouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2004
Quelle(2004), (58 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Higher Education; Annual Reports; State Agencies; State Legislation; Educational Needs; Postsecondary Education; Labor Force Development; Community Colleges; Public Colleges; Private Colleges; Enrollment; Technical Institutes; Proprietary Schools; Strategic Planning; Educational Policy; Budgets; Educational Trends; Compliance (Legal); Educational Change; Educational Planning; State Policy; Statewide Planning; Teacher Education; Outcome Measures; Institutional Mission; Educational Objectives; College Entrance Examinations; Secondary School Curriculum; Student Financial Aid; Graduation Rate; Educational Attainment; Dropout Rate; African American Students; American Indian Students; Asian American Students; Hispanic American Students; High School Students; White Students; Minority Group Students; Labor Needs; Demand Occupations; Educational Certificates; Academic Degrees; Low Income Groups; Missouri; ACT Assessment
AbstractAuthorized by an amendment to the Missouri Constitution in 1972, and established by state statute as part of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974, the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) has the responsibility of identifying the postsecondary educational needs of potential students and the training needs of business and industry and developing a plan that outlines how the state system of postsecondary education can most effectively and efficiently provide a postsecondary education to its citizens so that they can be successful and meet the workforce needs of the state. The CBHE in turn is responsible for coordinating this plan and ensuring its successful implementation throughout the system, which serves nearly 400,000 students through 13 public four-year colleges and universities, 19 public two-year colleges, one public two-year technical college, 25 independent colleges and universities, and 140 proprietary and private career schools. This 2004 annual report is submitted by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education, in conjunction with the Missouri Department of Higher Education, as required by state law (Section 173.040, RSMo), to the Governor of the State of Missouri and members of the General Assembly. Appended are: (1) Section 173.040, RSMo; (2) FY 2005 Coordinated Strategic Plan; (3) Public Two- and Four-Year Institution Enrollment Data; (4) Private Not-for-Profit (Independent) Institution Enrollment Data; (5) Proprietary School Enrollment Data; and (6) Academic Program Actions. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenMissouri Department of Higher Education. 3515 Amazonas Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109-5717. Tel: 800-473-6757; Tel: 573-751-2361; Fax: 573-751-6635; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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