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InstitutionMissouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education, Jefferson City.
TitelBlueprint for Missouri Higher Education. 1998 Report on Progress Toward the Statewide Public Policy Initiatives and Goals for Missouri Higher Education.
Quelle(1998), (78 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Access to Education; Accountability; Advanced Placement Programs; College Bound Students; College Students; College Transfer Students; Educational Television; Faculty Workload; Governance; Higher Education; Minority Groups; Outcomes of Education; Postsecondary Education; Program Evaluation; Student Financial Aid; Teacher Education; Missouri
AbstractIn 1992, Missouri's Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) adopted 24 higher education goals that would fulfill its vision statement and address needs identified in its task force report. Baseline data for these goals were gathered in 1993, and annual data have been collected through state and federal surveys completed by the state's public and independent colleges and universities. This report provides an update on the progress the state is making toward these goals, which include initiatives in the following areas: high school core curriculum, advanced placement opportunities; underrepresented groups and minority student participation and success; prospective school teachers; remedial education; enrollment at public four-year colleges and universities; admission categories; success rates of entering freshmen; geographic access to postsecondary technical education; student transfers; minority employment in Missouri higher education; degree program assessment; assessment in the major field of study; national recognition of graduate and professional programs; changes in funded positions by employment category; faculty workload; student financial aid; performance-based funding; instructional and research equipment facilities; accountability reporting; operating and capital funding; and governance. Appendices include a status summary on a state plan for a postsecondary instructional television network; and a review of academic programs by campus. (Contains 47 charts). (MAB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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