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Autor/inn/enPerraton, Hilary; Creed, Charlotte
InstitutionDepartment for International Development, London (England).; International Research Foundation for Open Learning, Cambridge (England).
TitelDistance Education Practice: Training and Rewarding Authors. Education Research Paper.
Quelle(1999), (37 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAuthors; Developing Nations; Distance Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Instructional Materials; Open Universities; Staff Development; Wages; Africa; Asia
AbstractMany educational institutions are developing or expanding open and distance learning (ODL) programs, and all face difficulties ensuring that teaching materials of the right quality are developed on time. This report examines solutions to the problem, focusing on training, policies, and management structures that encourage timely development of good materials. Section 1 examines the training of course development staff in ODL. The data come from: surveys of educational institutions worldwide; case studies; in-house or published training literature; a literature review; and discussions with leading professionals. Two distinctions emerge as critical in developing training policies and practices: the distinction between industrialized and developing countries and between single- and dual-mode institutions. Descriptions of staff and materials development in targeted institutions are offered, as well as an examination of what remains to be done. Section 2 examines policies and management structures designed to encourage timely development of good materials. Surveys of practice in universities and colleges in developing and industrialized countries examine how writers of ODL course materials are rewarded (focusing on payment and benefits provided), and examine some of the policies and practices developed. (SM)
AnmerkungenDepartment for International Development, 94 Victoria Street, London SW1E 5JL, England.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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