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Autor/inn/enZhou, Ping; Tian, Huibao
TitelFunded collaboration research in mathematics in China.
QuelleIn: Scientometrics, (2013) 3, S.695-715
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterDomestic collaboration; International collaboration; Within-institutional collaboration; Cross-institutional collaboration; Funded collaboration
AbstractAbstract Based on publications in mathematics of Chinese authors indexed in Chinese domestic and international databases, namely, the CNKI and the Web of Science, the current paper tries to explore impact of collaboration and funding support on academic productivity. Collaboration is classified into domestic and international collaboration, and domestic collaboration is further divided into within-institutional collaboration and cross-institutional collaboration. Regional performance in terms of collaboration and funding support has also been investigated. The results show that collaboration and funded support are highly skewed among Chinese regions. Beijing, Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Zhejiang are most active in collaboration and are the major winners of research funds. Zhejiang and Shaanxi perform in a contrast way: the former publishes mostly internationally whereas the latter mainly domestically. Compared with within-institutional collaboration, cross-institutional and international collaboration perform better in raising productivity and achieving research funds.
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