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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenRosenthal, Marilyn (Hrsg.); Beall, Kathleen R. (Hrsg.)
TitelESL Magazine, 2003.
Quelle6 (2003) 1-4, (130 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Classroom Environment; Computational Linguistics; Computer Uses in Education; Conversational Language Courses; Elementary Secondary Education; English (Second Language); Family Literacy; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Internet; Interpersonal Communication; Listening Skills; Literacy Education; Online Courses; Reading Skills; School Community Relationship; Teaching Methods; Textbooks; Writing Instruction; Malaysia
AbstractThese four issues contain the following articles: "Corpus Linguistics: Discovering How We Use Language" (John Rosenthal); "Conversation Class: More than 'Just Talking'" (David Kehe and Peggy Kehe); "The Peace Project: A Personal Path to Overcoming Intolerance" (Stephanie Jones-Vo); "Developing the Reading Skills of Adults Learning English" (Miriam Burt and Joy Kreeft Peyton); "Developing Listening Skills with Authentic Materials" (Lindsay Miller); "Bring the Community into the Classroom" (Kathleen Olson); "Malaysia Promotes Excellence in English" (Vinodini Murugesan); "Your Online Companion: ESL Textbook Websites" (Owen Murray and Nevitt Reagan); "Dave Sperling's Guide to the Internet's Best Writing Resources" (Dave Sperling); "Online TESL/TEFL Training" (Thomas Nixon);"Binational Centers: Teaching English and Building Friendships in the Americas" (William Ancker); "Family Literacy and ESL" (David L. Red); "Effective Ways of Building Vocabulary Knowledge" (Paul Nation); "Cryptograms in the EFL/ESL Classroom" (Lee Oakes and Marilyn Rosenthal); and "Creating Congenial Classrooms" (Kirsten Schaetzel). The issues also contain editor's notes, letters to the editor, news briefs, conference calendars, reviews, catalog showcase, and regular columns. (SM)
AnmerkungenESL Magazine, 220 McKendree Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401 (first year subscription, $16.95; individual issues, $3.95). Tel: 410-570-0746; Fax: 630-214-2888.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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