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Autor/inn/enHeidorn, Keith C.; Torrie, Bruce
InstitutionSkies Above Foundation, Victoria (British Columbia).
TitelGuide for SUNSafe Schools.
Quelle(1995), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Elementary Secondary Education; Environmental Education; Foreign Countries; Health Education; Health Promotion; Safety Education; Solar Energy
AbstractAs a result of the decline in the thickness of the atmospheric ozone layer, the surface of the Earth will be exposed to increased levels of solar ultraviolet B radiation. This radiation has been shown to have harmful effects for life on Earth. These include damage to plants, animals, and materials. It has also been linked to many human health impacts such as sunburn, skin cancer, eye damage, and suppression of the body's immune system. In order to protect children from the negative health effects of ultraviolet B radiation, schools must embark on a SUNSafe education program which includes: SUNSafe education including nutritional education on boosting immune function, clothing recommendations, planning and staging of school events, and facilities design. Actions which should be taken include: teaching students about the hazards of excessive exposure to the sun, planning school activities around the peak sun hours, requiring proper protective clothing when outdoors, providing shading around playgrounds and sports fields, providing temporary shading for sports tournament venues, and protecting a child's right to seek protection from the sun. (Author)
AnmerkungenSkies Above Foundation, 2701 Seaview Road, Victoria, British Columbia V8N 1K7, Canada.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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