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Autor/inn/enLeBold, William K.; und weitere
InstitutionPurdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN. Dept. of Freshman Engineering.
TitelProviding Equity for Freshman Women Entering Engineering Via Role Model Lecture-Discussions, Hands-On Laboratory and Career Planning.
Quelle(1977), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Career Planning; College Freshmen; Comparative Analysis; Conference Reports; Course Descriptions; Course Evaluation; Curriculum Guides; Educational Opportunities; Engineering Education; Females; Higher Education; Laboratory Training; Models; Program Descriptions; Self Concept; Student Attitudes; Student Interests; Womens Education
AbstractA model program for freshman women in engineering has been developed at Purdue University. The program focuses on an experimental course that provides beginning engineering women and men with hands-on laboratory experiences, discussions of contemporary societal problems including environment, energy and productivity by various role model lecturers, and career planning. Pre-testing and post-testing with standardized tests and specially developed surveys were used to evaluate experimental and control groups, and generally positive results were obtained. The continuation phase of the program is directed at dissemination of information via a workshop, reports and audiovisual materials, and the offering of another experimental course revised to incorporate changes based upon student and staff observations and evaluation data. A syllabus, lecture schedule, and pre-test and post-test data are included. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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