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Autor/inn/enEzer, Feyzullah; Ulukaya, Ülkü
TitelSelf-Efficacy Perceptions of Social Studies Teachers about Measurement and Evaluation in Education
QuelleIn: International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 6 (2018) 4, S.85-92 (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSelf Efficacy; Social Studies; Teachers; Foreign Countries; Teacher Attitudes; Educational Assessment; Gender Differences; Educational Background; Tenure; Teacher Characteristics; Measurement; Turkey (Istanbul)
AbstractThe study aims to determine the self-efficacy perceptions of social studies teachers about measurement and evaluation in education. In the research using quantitative research models, descriptive survey model was used. Study group of the research is composed of 122 social studies teachers in Kucukcekmece district of Istanbul province in 2018-2019 academic years. Data collection tool of this study is "The Self-efficacy Perception Scale of the Teacher Candidates based on Measurement and Evaluation in Education" developed by Kilinç (2011). The difference between the self-efficacy levels of the participants about measurement and evaluation and the gender variable was examined. The findings revealed that self-efficacy perceptions of the male participants about measurement and evaluation were higher than those of the female participants. In addition to this, the difference between the self-efficacy levels of the participants about measurement and evaluation and their educational background was also examined. The research findings demonstrated that there is not any significant difference between the self-efficacy levels of the participants about measurement and evaluation and their educational background. Another finding obtained as a result of the study revealed that self-efficacy perceptions of the History and Geography graduates of the universities' Faculty of Arts and Sciences about measurement and evaluation in education are at a lower level than the Faculty of Education Social studies teaching graduates. Finally, the finding that self-efficacy levels of the participants about measurement and evaluation showed a significant difference according to their professional seniority is obtained. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAustralian International Academic Centre PTY, LTD. 11 Souter Crescent, Footscray VIC 3011, Australia. Tel: +61-3-9028-6880; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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