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Autor/inRenwick, W. L.
InstitutionOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris (France). Centre for Educational Research and Innovation.
TitelRecurrent Education. Policy and Development in OECD Member Countries: New Zealand.
Quelle(1975), (43 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Community Education; Comparative Education; Continuing Education; Continuous Progress Plan; Developing Nations; Educational Development; Educational Opportunities; Educational Programs; Elementary Secondary Education; Equal Education; Lifelong Learning; Social Problems; Teacher Education; New Zealand
AbstractOne of a series on the state of recurrent education in OECD member countries, this report examines the educational programs of New Zealand in the context of both the educational objectives of the New Zealand government and the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. Three major headings comprise the focus of the document: the New Zealand experience in attempting to achieve equality of educational opportunity, current policies for recurrent education, and emerging issues. The document begins with an introduction to the New Zealand background. Understanding the educational objectives and programs in New Zealand revolves around their contribution to equality of educational opportunity. Following the introduction, the current policies for recurrent education are examined, including consultative planning, educational planning, educational development, review of secondary and continuing education, community colleges, community education programs, labor market policies, and financial assistance for study and training. The third section of the document examines emerging issues in New Zealand education, including teacher education, the profession of continuing educators, learning materials for adults, the extension function, educational entitlement, and target groups. (Author/JR)
AnmerkungenOECD Publications Center, Suite 1207, 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, D.C. 20006 ($2.50)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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