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Autor/inn/enThompson, Aaron M.; Wiedermann, Wolfgang; Herman, Keith C.; Reinke, Wendy M.
TitelEffect of Daily Teacher Feedback on Subsequent Motivation and Mental Health Outcomes in Fifth Grade Students: A Person-Centered Analysis
Quelle(2020), (11 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Thompson, Aaron M.)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterFeedback (Response); Student Motivation; Grade 5; Elementary School Students; Negative Attitudes; Depression (Psychology); Behavior Problems; Student Behavior; Self Management; Child Behavior; Student Attitudes; Social Development; Emotional Development; Behavior Change; Readiness; Behavior Assessment System for Children
AbstractPrevention scientists recognize that implementing effective prevention practices and programs responsive to the needs of individuals but based solely upon the findings from variable-centered methods presents several limitations due to numerous risk factors, pathways, and unobserved influences. One such understudied influence that is masked by variable-centered methods, motivation, is a person-level characteristic that influences treatment outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of an alternative person-centered approach, group iterative multiple model estimation (GIMME), to model change over time that focuses on the interdependence of daily student motivation levels and teacher feedback and their relations to student outcomes over time. Specifically, we used GIMME to model person level responses to negative teacher feedback regarding students' next day motivational ratings using data from 58 5th grade students participating in a study of the impact of the self-monitoring and regulation training strategy (SMARTS). Results identified a set of SMARTS students whose daily readiness aligned with high rates of self and teacher agreement regarding ongoing performance ratings. However, results identified a group of students whose daily motivation and readiness for change was adversely impacted by negative teacher feedback the day before. For these students, they were more likely than their peers to experience high levels of depression and internalization scores. Motivationally oriented practice suggestions for providing feedback to students who may be sensitive to this type of feedback and research implications of these findings are discussed. [This is the online version of an article published in "Prevention Science."] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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