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Autor/inGnjatovic, Dragana
TitelStories in Different Domains of Child Development
QuelleIn: Research in Pedagogy, 5 (2015) 1, S.84-97 (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Child Development; Preschool Teachers; Teacher Attitudes; Semi Structured Interviews; Story Telling; Language Acquisition; Creative Development; Play; Preschool Children; Technology Uses in Education; Sweden
AbstractThis article is based on the results gained from the research about the perception teachers have about stories. The study was conducted in Sweden and the main purpose was to partially fulfil the requirements for Erasmus Mundus joint degree "International Master of Early Childhood Education and Care". In accordance with previous research that are based, on the benefits of story-based practice for the child development, this research analyzes and discusses teachers' perceptions of the stories in their practice. In order to get the answers to the research question, a small-scale interview study was conducted. Data was collected in four preschools in South-western Sweden, including one international and three Swedish preschools. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The questions were designed as open-ended in order to gain broad and deep information about the teachers' perceptions on stories in preschool practice. The study adopted Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory as a theoretical framework. The study showed that the new technological era, brings innovative approach to teaching and learning though the teachers still appreciate and value a good story. They argue that storytelling should be part of early childhood practice and preschool curriculum. This study looked at the teachers and their perception of stories since studies about teachers' perspectives are not in abundance. Certainly, the understanding of the importance of the stories, would be more evident, if some of the future studies would consider the views of children regarding stories in their childhood. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenPreschool Teacher Training College "Mihailo Palov" and Serbian Academy of Education in Belgrade. Omladinski Trg 1, Vrsac, 26300 Serbia. Tel: +381-832517; Fax: +381-832517; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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