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Autor/inn/enArmstrong, Dale; Laird, Alice; Mulgrew, Anne
TitelGrade Level of Achievement Reporting: Teacher and Administrator Handbook
Quelle(2006), (98 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Foreign Countries; Student Evaluation; Academic Achievement; Faculty Handbooks; Educational Assessment; Canada
AbstractThe purpose of this Handbook is to assist educators in understanding grade level of achievement (GLA), the role it plays in communicating student learning, and how to effectively implement the reporting of grade level of achievement for students enrolled in grades one through nine to Alberta Education as an adjunct to the on-going reporting to parents/students. Some of the issues staff struggle with as they implement grade level of achievement reporting are addressed through a series of vignettes and school stories in section two. Additional issues are addressed using a question and answer format. The handbook covers the theory and practice of achievement reporting and discusses and gives illustrative examples of issues. The appendices answer or illustrate the following questions: What are the underpinnings of fair assessment? What are the legal requirements for GLA reporting? Why are programs of study important? What are some strategies for differentiating instruction and assessment in the classroom? When I have made the link what does it look like and what is the impact on student learning? How do I decide which assessment types will give me the information I need? And how is GLA data reported? [This document was developed under contract with the Alberta Assessment Consortium, Alberta.] (Author).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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