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Autor/inMontgomery, Joel R.
InstitutionAndersen Worldwide, SC., St. Charles, IL.
TitelIntegrative Learning at Work: Theory into Practice at Andersen Consulting.
Quelle(1996), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Adult Learning; Career Development; Corporate Education; Integrated Activities; Labor Force Development; Learning Activities; Models; Systems Approach; Teamwork; Theory Practice Relationship; Trainers; Training Methods; Workshops
AbstractAndersen Consulting is a global training firm with more than 20,000 consultants serving clients from 151 officers in 46 countries. In 1995, Andersen Consulting introduced a career development model (CDM) as a new organizing structure for its consultants in North and South America. The CDM, which translates the findings of research on integrative learning into practice, identifies skill tracks, more specialized skill domains, and six levels of competence within each domain. The CDM was introduced to Andersen's consultants through an applied CDM workshop that was developed using the Integrative Learning System, which is based on the following support components: applying integrative learning to build knowledge and skill, providing a learning-safe work environment, coaching to think, teaming to innovate, and trusting to synergize. The applied CDM workshop was tested with one training development team in Washington, D.C., and three teams in Atlanta, Georgia. During the workshops, teams engaged in a reflective learning process involving the following steps: do, look, think, continually evaluate relevance, and plan. The tests demonstrated that integrative learning can be developed quickly and effectively with limited resources by ensuring that all support components for integrative learning are in place. (Contains 11 references.) (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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