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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenWeller, Carolyn R. (Hrsg.); Brandhorst, Ted (Hrsg.)
InstitutionERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Bethesda, MD.; ORI, Inc., Bethesda, MD. Information Systems Div.
TitelERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1983. An Annotated Bibliography of Information Analysis Products and Other Major Publications of the ERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1983.
Quelle(1984), (52 Seiten)
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ReiheERIC Publications
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Annotated Bibliographies; Clearinghouses; Education; Educational Research; Federal Programs; Literature Reviews; Publications; Resource Materials; State of the Art Reviews
AbstractA broad range of education-related topics are addressed in this annotated bibliography, which presents citations and abstracts for 117 publications produced by the 16 ERIC Clearinghouses in 1983. An introduction explains the ERIC system, clearinghouse publications, the organization of this bibliography, and the availability of clearinghouse publications. A statistical summary by year (1968-1983) shows the number of documents included for each clearinghouse in the series of which this bibliography is the most recent. Document resumes are provided from the following clearinghouses: (1) Adult, Career, and Vocational Education; (2) Counseling and Personnel Services; (3) Reading and Communication Skills; (4) Educational Management; (5) Handicapped and Gifted Children; (6) Languages and Linguistics; (7) Higher Education; (8) Information Resources; (9) Junior Colleges; (10) Elementary and Early Childhood Education; (11) Rural Education and Small Schools; (12) Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education; (13) Social Studies/Social Science Education; (14) Teacher Education; (15) Tests, Measurement, and Evaluation; and (16) Urban Education. A listing of ERIC Digests, i.e., short user-oriented reference sheets formerly called Fact Sheets or Short Reports, is also provided. (DMC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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