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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionTennessee Univ., Knoxville. Dept. of Distributive Education.
TitelTennessee Distributive Education Teacher Coordinators' Handbook.
Quelle, (174 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Guides; Administrator Qualifications; Adult Education; Community Involvement; Cooperative Programs; Coordination; Distributive Education; Evaluation Methods; Facility Requirements; Instructor Coordinators; Program Development; Resource Materials; State Programs; Teacher Role; Vocational Education; Youth Clubs; Tennessee
AbstractThe purpose of this handbook is to delimit the scope of distributive education in Tennessee and to provide guidelines for vocational program development in distributive education. Intended as a guide for the local distributive education teacher-coordinator, this handbook will also prove useful for administrators, guidance counselors, and businessmen. Responsibilities and qualifications for the teacher-coordinator are specified. The roles of the steering and advisory committees in program planning are delineated. The uses of community surveys, student interest surveys, and followup surveys in distributive education programs are discussed. Facility requirements for individualized and group instruction in a distributive education laboratory are given. General and specific program planning and coordination activities are detailed, taking into account adult education, continuing education, cooperative education, and project training methods. Sample program forms, followup and evaluation techniques, and a glossary are included. A description of the Distributive Education Clubs of America is provided. (AG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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