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Autor/inn/enLubans, John; Gordon, Heather
TitelFrom Quick Start Teams to Home Teams: The Duke TQM Experience.
Quelle(1995), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Higher Education; Library Administration; Library Planning; Management Teams; Organizational Change; Organizational Objectives; Participative Decision Making; Qualitative Research; Quality Circles; Research Libraries; Staff Development; Total Quality Management; Vertical Organization
AbstractThis paper describes the Duke University Libraries' transition in early 1994 from its traditional hierarchical model to an organization emphasizing Total Quality Management (TQM) concepts such as self-managing teams and continuous improvement. Existing conditions at the libraries that played a role in the decision to switch included: (1) rising costs of library materials leading to less purchasing and more temporary access; (2) the arrival of networked information; (3) a truncation of time and workspace; (4) fiscal distress at other universities; (5) diminishing library share as a percentage of the overall university budget; and (6) expectation among non-MLS support staff for a career ladder in library service. The participatory approach had been getting results in technical services since the late-1980s, but it had yet to be implemented on a wider scale. Library administrators developed and made public a "Library 2000 initiative" to create a more flexible, holistic, and customer-based approach to library services. Three pilot project teams, or "quick start" teams, were assembled to define and investigate three problem areas. At the end of 3 months, the Implementation Planning Team looked at the quick start teams' work to assess the effectiveness of continuous improvement processes and of the team infrastructure. Team members were also surveyed for their comments. Then library administrators solicited proposals on organizational redesign; the 99 responses resulted in the formation of quality circles within "home teams," the new name and less hierarchical arrangement for "departments." Department heads were invited to become home team leaders. Recent team assessment has included performance criteria like inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes as well as group-dynamics factors like inclusion, elbow room, ease of discussion, approach to conflict, support, clarity of purpose, use of skills, and leadership styles. (BEW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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