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InstitutionNational Center for Public Policy and Higher Education
TitelMeasuring Up 2006: The State Report Card on Higher Education. Oklahoma
Quelle(2006), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Preparation; Enrollment; Access to Education; Paying for College; Student Costs; Academic Persistence; Time to Degree; Graduation Rate; Educational Attainment; Outcomes of Education; Education Work Relationship; Economic Impact; Academic Achievement; Achievement Rating; Educational Indicators; Educational Assessment; Comparative Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Postsecondary Education; Comparative Analysis; Performance Factors; Educational Improvement; Educational Change; Oklahoma
AbstractThe purpose of this state report card is to provide the general public and policymakers with information they can use to assess and improve postsecondary education in each state. "Measuring Up 2006" is the fourth in a series of biennial report cards. The report card grades states in six overall performance categories: (1) Preparation: How adequately does the state prepare students for education and training beyond high school?; (2) Participation: Do state residents have sufficient opportunities to enroll in education and training beyond high school?; (3) Affordability: How affordable is higher education for students and their families?; (4) Completion: Do students make progress toward and complete their certificates or degrees in a timely manner?; (5) Benefits: What benefits does the state receive from having a highly educated population?; and (6) Learning: What is known about student learning as a result of education and training beyond high school? Findings for Oklahoma include: (1) Despite improvement, high school students in Oklahoma are poorly prepared for college when compared with students in other states. This year Oklahoma receives a D+ in preparation; (2) Oklahoma's performance in enrolling students in higher education has declined. Oklahoma receives a C+ in participation this year; (3) Oklahoma has made no notable progress in providing affordable higher education. This year Oklahoma receives an F in affordability; (4) Despite notable improvement, Oklahoma's performance in the proportion of students earning certificates or degrees in a timely manner remains low when compared with other states. Oklahoma receives a C in completion this year; (5) Oklahoma has seen an increase in the benefits the state receives from having a more highly educated population. Oklahoma earns a B- in benefits; and (6) Oklahoma is among nine states that receive a "Plus" in Learning because data were sufficient to compare at least two of the three Learning categories in the state results described in this paper. This report also includes international comparisons, additional information, questions and answers, and state grades. (Contains 3 figures.) [For "Measuring Up, 2006. The National Report Card on Higher Education," see ED493360.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. 152 North Third Street Suite 705, San Jose, CA 95112. Tel: 408-271-2699; Fax: 408-271-2697; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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