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Autor/inCompton, Jennifer L.
TitelCataloging Three-Dimensional Objects: A Study of Academic Health Science Libraries.
Quelle(1995), (38 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Academic Libraries; Access to Information; Cataloging; Higher Education; Information Storage; Library Collections; Library Personnel; Library Technical Processes; Medical Libraries; Questionnaires; Subject Index Terms; Tables (Data)
AbstractThis study examines a random sample of academic health sciences libraries across the United States to determine if these institutions have three-dimensional medical artifacts in their collections and how they organize and catalog these materials to provide access to them. A questionnaire was sent to heads of cataloging at 30 academic health sciences libraries (57% response rate) consisting of 16 multi-choice questions on the education and size of cataloging staff, the presence of three-dimensional medical artifacts, their storage, and whether they are cataloged. Specific questions focused on the use of bibliographic utilities for cataloging, the cataloging code used, and whether the objects are used for educational purposes. Results indicated that: (1) the majority (88%) of the libraries have three-dimensional medical artifacts in their collections; (2) the majority (60%) of the libraries catalog these items; (3) twice as many libraries relied on local code or practice as the basis for cataloging as opposed to those who relied on AACR2; (4) the majority (88%) use controlled subject headings, with half of them using MeSH and half using locally devised headings; (5) access points varied more widely than descriptive elements; and (6) smaller libraries were more likely to catalog three-dimensional materials than larger libraries. Seven tables provide information on cataloging, collection size, storage, and staff size. The cover and follow-up letters and the questionnaire are included in the appendix. (Contains 19 references.) (AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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