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Autor/inClaer, Joycelyn H.
TitelTrailblazing in East Texas: A Progress Report on the Forest Trail Library Consortium's Networking Project.
Quelle(1992), (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Academic Libraries; Cataloging; Computer Software; Consortia; High Schools; Higher Education; Library Automation; Library Cooperation; Library Networks; Public Libraries; School Libraries; Shared Library Resources
AbstractThis report describes the development of the Forest Trail Library Consortium (FTLC), a network of academic, public, and school libraries in Texas. The growth of FTLC from 4 charter members to its current 16 members is traced, including details about goals and funding. The role of special interest groups (SIGs) is examined, and the goals and recommendations developed by the SIG on retrospective conversion are presented. The rationale for the selection of BiblioFile workstations for retrospective conversion is discussed, along with details about the reconversion procedures. The agreement negotiated with OCLC that provided for certain libraries to be designated as OCLC processing centers for the consortium is explained, including procedures for identifying and shipping materials, and problems with incompatible barcodes are addressed. Activities of other SIGs concerned with acquisitions/collection development, cataloging/authority control, circulation, databases and equipment, and training and documentation are summarized. Supplemental materials include an FTLC organizational chart, the retrospective conversion model, a diagram of the OCLC processing center arrangement, a retrospective conversion log sheet, and a list of member libraries. (MES)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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