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Autor/inHenderson, Cathy
InstitutionAmerican Council on Education, Washington, DC. Div. of Policy Analysis and Research.
TitelLabor Force Participation of Older College Graduates.
Quelle5 (1994) 2, (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Students; Career Choice; College Graduates; College Students; Education Work Relationship; Educational Research; Employed Women; Employment Patterns; Females; Higher Education; Nontraditional Students; Outcomes of Education; Salaries; Vocational Followup
AbstractA profile of older college graduates can be constructed from special tabulations provided by the National Center for Education Statistics' 1989-90 Recent College Graduate Survey. Findings indicate the following: one in six bachelor's degree recipients was 30 years old or older; four in five were interested in further education; professional fields of study were chosen more often by older than by younger graduates; 1 year after receiving their bachelor's degrees, older adults were as likely as their younger peers to be working full time; among women, interest in the fields of education and the health professions was greater among the older graduates; and interest in business/management fields was higher and lower in the social sciences among older male graduates in comparison to younger male graduates; the average salary of older graduates was higher than that of younger colleagues; only 4 percent of older graduates working full time were classified as "underemployed" compared to 13 percent of younger graduates; and four in five older graduates considered their jobs to be related to their major fields of study and to have career potential. Specific programs that can help older individuals make a successful transition from the home or job to campus include the following: adult resource centers, workshops to translate work or volunteer skills into study skills, demonstrations on documentation of prior learning for credit, peer support groups, child care services, and staff training on needs and concerns of adult students. (YLB)
AnmerkungenResearch Brief Series, American Council on Education, One Dupont Circle, N.W., Washington, DC 20036-1193 ($10).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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