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Sonst. PersonenGearon, Liam (Hrsg.)
TitelLearning to Teach Citizenship in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience. Second Edition. Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School Series
Quelle(2009), (272 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterOutdoor Education; Citizenship Education; Religious Education; National Curriculum; Guides; Pedagogical Content Knowledge; Inquiry; Lesson Plans; Planning; Evaluation Methods; Consciousness Raising; Citizen Participation; Research; History; Foreign Countries; Definitions; Teaching Methods; Political Issues; Student Participation; English Instruction; History Instruction; United Kingdom
AbstractWhat is the role of Citizenship? How can it be taught effectively? The fully updated second edition of "Learning to Teach Citizenship in the Secondary School" is an essential text for students training to teach Citizenship as a first or second subject, as well as experienced teachers who have opted to take responsibility for this vital subject. Written in a clear and practical way, yet underpinned by a sound theoretical background, it examines Citizenship as a wide-ranging subject that can be taught in its own right, or through other curriculum subjects and activities. The new edition includes a range of brand new chapters covering key themes in Citizenship education, including: (1) Historical origins and contemporary contexts; (2) Developing subject knowledge and skills of enquiry; (3) Effective lesson plans, schemes of work, and assessment; (4) Citizenship beyond the classroom: community based work and learning outdoors; (5) Citizenship across the curriculum: History, English, drama and media, and R.E.; and (6) Research in Citizenship. With key objectives and tasks for each chapter, this book will help the reader improve their understanding of Citizenship education and in turn, help their pupils understand their roles as citizens in today's society. This book is divided into five parts including: Introduction Part One: Citizenship: Historical Origins and Contemporary Contexts, which contains the following: (1) A History of Citizenship in Britain (Derek Heater); (2) Defining Citizenship in Education (Ian Davies); and (3) Citizenship in the National Curriculum (John Keast and Elizabeth Craft). Part Two: Learning to Teach Citizenship, contains the following: (4) Beginning to Teach Citizenship (Jeremy Hayward); (5) Developing Subject Knowledge in Citizenship (Liz West); (6) Developing Skills of Enquiry in Citizenship (Hilary Cremin and Paul Warwick); (7) Planning Lessons and Schemes of Work in Citizenship (Sandie Llewellin); and (8) Assessing Citizenship (Marcus Bhargava). Part Three: Citizenship Beyond the Classroom, contains the following: (9) Politics and Pedagogy: Citizenship beyond the Classroom (Liam Gearon); (10) Developing Active Participation in Citizenship (Ralph Leighton); and (11) Citizenship and Outdoor Education (Tony Rea). Part Four: Citizenship across the Curriculum, contains the following: (12) Citizenship Making Links with English (John Moss); (13) Citizenship Making Links with History (Andrew Peterson); and (14) Citizenship Making Links with Religious Education (Liam Gearon). Part Five: Researching Citizenship: Local, National and International Contexts, contains the following: (15) Learning for Cosmopolitan Citizenship: Theoretical Debates and Young People's Experiences (Audrey Osler and Hugh Starkey); and (16) Research in Citizenship: International, European and National (David Kerr). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 7625 Empire Drive, Florence, KY 41042. Tel: 800-634-7064; Fax: 800-248-4724; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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