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Autor/inZaccaron, Rafael
TitelCollaborative and Individual Strategic Planning Effect on Performance of an Oral Task
Quelle2 (2017) 2, S.45-58 (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterStrategic Planning; English (Second Language); Second Language Learning; Foreign Countries; Adolescents; Synchronous Communication; Computer Oriented Programs; Public Schools; Handheld Devices; High School Students; Oral Language; Applied Linguistics; Task Analysis; Brazil
AbstractThis article reports the initial findings of an MA in Applied Linguistics on the effect collaborative and individual strategic planning have on performance of an oral task by young learners of English as an L2 in Brazil. Strategic planning (Ellis, 2003, 2005) is an important concept within the task-based approach (TBA), as this condition may trigger metacognitive processes.Yet, only a few studies have had young learners of English as participants in strategic planning research. The participants, teenage learners,enrolled in the second year of a public high school in Florianópolis (Brazil), performed two monological oral tasks under two different planning conditions: (a) collaborative, and (b) individual. The oral messages sent using WhatsApp were analysed in terms of accuracy, fluency and outcome (pragmatic). In addition, the participants filled in post-task questionnaires after the performance of each task, aiming at unveiling their perception on the conditions and tasks. In this paper, data from the pilot study as well as some preliminary results were analysed. In spite of the absence of statistically significant results for accuracy and fluency, results indicated a trend supporting the collaborative work condition. While, the qualitative data showed strong support for the collaborative planning condition. These initial findings, in general, support the use of L2 oral tasks involving strategic planning in the public school context. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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