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Autor/inn/enYsseldyke, James; Nelson, J. Ruth
InstitutionNational Center on Educational Outcomes, Minneapolis, MN.; Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington, DC.; National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Alexandria, VA.
TitelEnhancing Communication: Desirable Characteristics for State and School District Educational Accountability Reports. Synthesis Report 30.
Quelle(1998), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Standards; Accountability; Disabilities; Educational Assessment; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Criteria; Input Output Analysis; Outcomes of Education; School Effectiveness; Student Participation; Technical Writing
AbstractBased on an extensive analysis of the characteristics of 113 accountability reports from 32 state education agencies, a study group convened to develop a list of necessary, desirable, and succinct characteristics of good state and district educational accountability reports. This report discusses the recommendations of the study group. Desirable characteristics were identified for both content and format, such as: (1) be clear about who the report is directed to, the intended purposes of the report, and the state's conceptual model for its accountability system; (2) be comprehensive yet concise in the reporting of inputs, processes, and results for students, especially students with disabilities; (3) provide comparative information with changes over time between schools, districts, states, regions, or standards; (4) ensure reports are concise or contain carefully chosen indicators so that no more information is given than is necessary; (5) include cautions against misinterpretations of the data or against any unintended consequences; (6) make efforts to maintain confidentiality and avoid the possibility of identifying individual students; (7) use good formats so that reports are well-organized, readable, and interesting. A checklist of desirable characteristics for state and school district accountability reports is included for those who develop reports. (CR)
AnmerkungenNational Center on Education Outcomes, University of Minnesota, 350 Elliott Hall, 75 East River Road, Minneapolis, MN 55455; telephone: 612-624-8561; fax: 612-624-0879; Web site: ($5).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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